I Want To Transmit My Love To You Messages Donated With Love And Only For Love Jesus

I Want To Transmit My Love To You Messages Donated With Love And Only For Love Jesus
Dearest brothers, today I have come to talk to you from my heart because I see that many of you are following these messages with much interest and the time has come to begin talking to you like every Teacher should talk to his students; this is why today I will begin to talk to you from my heart.
Listen to me for a few moments, stop your minds and listen with the whole of your good heart.
I am Jesus and I have come to all of you to bring my message to help you transform your planet earth into a better place where harmony, respect, peace, real justice and love reign.
This is our project. To achieve these objectives it will be necessary to make a few changes that will affect both yourselves and the relationships between you and other brothers and sisters that live in every part of your planet earth. To make this change possible over time, we should begin with the change inside your own behaviours.
We have already talked to you about the real love, we have already taught you not to listen to what others can say that's based on preconceived ideas, we have taught you to put all of your love in every commitment that you undertake, putting all of your love for all of your brothers in first place and putting in your commitments all of the passion that you feel inside your good heart; we have taught you to respect every brother of yours and to do everything possible to dry the suffering from those eyes; finally, we have reassured you that these messages are coming precisely from Heaven, because this is how you call this place from which all of your loved ones, the Virgin Mary, your brother Jesus and our Father who listens to all of our discussions with much attention and pushes us to continue in the name of our love to you and invites us to insist because He knows that sooner or later all of his children will find the right path to understand His Love, He is not in a hurry, time does
not exist here, but He would like you to be quicker, not for Him, but for you, because He would like to see you on the right path, on the path of love that leads to Him, it brings a great joy just like the joy that right now our friend Sara is feeling and she is not alone because many of you light up when you read these messages that are donated with love and only for love.
These things that we have taught you so far need to be put inside your intellect, they have to be positioned inside your good heart because they have already been inside your Soul since forever.
Today's message wants to invite you to go and re-read all of our messages so that they can be internalised again and become like a light beacon that illuminate every thought of yours, every action of yours, and every gesture of yours to be toward yourself or toward all of your brothers.
So what about the title for this message?
Because I want to send you all the love that I have in my good heart for all of you my brothers, the immense goodness that I feel for you can not be expressed with your words but with an image, yes imagine a newborn baby, it's small, his little body is defenceless, it's hungry and has so many needs that he can not satisfy by himself, he also has many fears because he does not know the real world that welcomed him, looking to those eyes you see that his survival depends also on you and therefore you take him in your arms and you cradle him and while cradling him you transmit all of your affection, all of your protection, you give him everything that he really needs and you accompany him with love through his growth and all of your being is focused in this project and you do not see the time in which this creature of yours will be free, full of love to give because he has received so much love from your effort and you will see him healthy without all of those fears that conditioned him and you will see him happy and this happiness will be your reward for all of the passion that you will have put into your actions.
So this is the image that can best describe to all of you how immense my love is for each one of you and it can show you at the same time all of our effort that I am putting with all of my passion so that you can be happy just like the person that I have fed, cuddled, protected and educated.
I leave you with this image, feel it in your heart and call me every time you need me, and I will send you those experiences that will truly help you grow and remember that this is the only objective that I have: lovingly help you to grow strong within love, justice, respect, peace and harmony.
Your brother Jesus that will always and forever next to you to help you grow healthy and aware in the affection.
I Want To Transmit My Love To You Messages Donated With Love And Only For Love Jesus was the Message received 1st October 2003
I Want To Transmit My Love To You Messages Donated With Love And Only For Love Jesus
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels
