Revelation When Love Is Revelation The Message Of The Manifestation

Revelation When Love Is Revelation The Message Of The Manifestation
My loved brothers and my loved sisters of this wonderful planet earth, today your brother Jesus is very happy because the book that we have written and we have titled "Messaggi da Gesù Cristo" (Messages from Jesus Christ) is about the be released and soon will be available to you.
Our Sara Luce is very happy about the outcome and I confess that we are also very happy for the Love that this book will send, our own Love, and in a few days it will be our own Love to be in your own hands and we are very happy about this.
Tomorrow the world will be a better place for all sweet brothers and sisters because through this book every teaching that we have dictated to you will reach your brothers and together with you who are walking this path on the way to Love, you will be ever more numerous in illuminating your world, with our help, a world of Peace, of Brotherhood, of Justice, of Equality, of Love.
With this book, source of teaching and inspiration, my brothers you will see the change that we are building together with you through all of these words dictated to you from this Sky, from this Home of God our Father where only Love reigns.
Let's continue from the title of our new message today 'When Love is Revelation'. Today you are used to receiving our messages, you wait for them, you look at your computers waiting to receive our words and this wait that accompanies you day by day is combined with our immense Love and effort to send you our messages.
Reflect my brothers, this is the Love that expresses itself through the Revelation.
Love is our starting point, the Revelation is only the manifestation of our great Love.
Over time you have witnessed many of our manifestations, Sanctuaries that were built where there had been a manifestation from us, many, very many of the miracles that happened to your brothers are at the same time an expression of our Love for that brother and a testimonial of our own Love, therefore Revelation, to those of you who have witnessed it; many and many situations in which our Love had produced manifestations that have been studied and that today are being studied by your Churches, are only manifestations for all of you, Revelations to all of you, of our great Love for my brothers in the whole world.
Throughout times, in every place of your planet our manifestations, our Revelations, have brought our message for all of you 'We exist through every time and every place we are with you brothers and may our Love which is so great my brothers be as a teaching to help you put all of your Love in turn for your brothers. It's the Love that speaks to you, that sends you the message to love, love, love, just like Love reigns in this Sky, the same may be on earth and may Love reign always.
This is the most important message, the message donated by us to you, transmitted in every manifestation, in each of our Revelations.
As of today, so many people feel close to us, they endure long trips, to go to a Sanctuary, very many, multitudes of people every year go to these pilgrimages to the places of our Revelations and it's not only to ask for miracles, the majority of these people need to feel particularly close to us.
This book that we have prepared is specifically to be close to everybody with our words but especially with the immense Love that we feel for the brothers of the world.
Even our messages that you await day after day are the result of our Love, they are the result of the effort that we dedicate to you and result of the great Love and of our will not only to help you but to be next to you and make you understand the Love of the Father and our same great Love for you.
Even these messages are a proof of our affection, of our Love, they are born, they are conceived up here in the Sky to send this message of Love for all of you brothers down to your earth.
These messages are at the same time messages of Revelation and messages of teaching of Love.
This message of Revelation is in our eyes a message of Love because it talks of our same Love to you; it's a message of Revelation because it teaches you to put Love in the center of your lives, just like we do; it's a message of Revelation because it addresses many themes giving you the Truth; it's a message of Revelation because it helps you feel closer to us and understand that we have always been close and we will be so forever; it's message of Revelation because every time you have a desire to reach your Father and enjoy all of his great Love this is given to you by these messages; it's a message of Revelation because all of you expect feelings that are sometimes different from Love and you find always and only Love coming from all of us; it's a message of Revelation because you have understood how Love does not judge, does not sentence, does not punish, instead it accompanies each one of you by the hand to learn what Love would do and what you can do to give your Love; it's message of Revelation because it explains to you that you are all brothers within the Love between yourselves, children of the same loved Father and children walking a path of growth within Love to go back to be by his side, all grown up, and for this reason closer to the Love that created us; it's a message of Revelation because the Father is one and is present in your Churches across the whole planet and there are no obstacles left and you can find him in each one of your Churches.
My brothers, it's really time for this message, it's time to build your world all over again with Love and there are many people ready to do it.
My brothers this is the time, the great Love that we have for you will continue to manifest itself, to help, to be next to you, to sustain you, always, always, now it's your turn to build, beginning precisely from Love, strong with the Love that will always come to all of you through our sweet and important Revelations.
Today's message concludes here for today again, reflect and accept our messages as another manifestation of our great Love for all of you, accept our messages as a Revelation born form the Love to always, always, always donate Love.
Your brother Jesus cries of joy for the affection that he feels for you, beloved brothers and beloved sisters.
Today is a day of Love, brothers do put your Love into your lives more and more.
My existence is to Love you my brothers and sisters.
Message dictated 30th January 2005
Title Revelation When Love Is Revelation The Message Of The Manifestation
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