Faith Opening Up Of Our Love Relinquishing Your Individuality For The Common Good

Faith Opening Up Of Our Love Relinquishing Your Individuality For The Common Good
My loved and sweet brothers and my loved and sweet sisters, sin does not exist anymore, today I absolve you from your sins over the course of your difficult, very difficult lives, because this is life on earth is like. It's my joy that gives meaning to this very special day because today, as you have noticed, the new Pope was officially elected in Rome; so many speeches, so many promises, so many projects for all of you brothers and in my heart Love triumphs with joy; the new Pope's path will be truly important and this path will be in plain view of all brothers in the entire world. This is the great joy that I feel inside my heart right now and I am sure that this joy will accompany me for a long time still.
The speech on Faith, on the opening up of our Love, on listening while relinquishing, my brothers, your own individuality in the name of common good, is the topic that opened my heart letting Love and Joy flood me completely.
Extremely important topic that of Faith, on the help that may come from the Sky and reach the Pontiff and all of you.
I too when I walked to the Calvary with my cross I put my own life in the hands of the Father and he received it, he cuddled me, he supported me, he helped me to believe in him even during these difficult moments for me and then he welcomed me in his arms with Love, lots of it, immense Love and everything was as he had promised because from that moment on every one of you brothers has gone through the door of Heaven.
Until then Paradise did not exist, there was the place of the Father and then there was another world where all of you would go but without the presence of the Father, the presence of the great Love of the Father, I can assure you that the serenity, the joy, the happiness back then was not as complete as when the Father welcomed my request, he agreed to my sacrifice in the name of Love for all of my brother and since then the act of crossing the holy gate of Paradise is but an allegory, there is complete and great Love for all of my brothers, happiness that can only be felt by being close to the Father.
Brothers, today this is the real Home of the Father, his presence and that of all his creatures, our presence at this side, finally together with the Father and his children, in a concert of Love and of exchanges of Love between the Father and his sweet children. Today all of this is the same as when I first opened the doors to this new existence at the side of our Loved Father through my sacrifice.
For this reason this great joy that I feel in my heart allows me to forgive all of your sins, they are all erased to allow you to have a new life, to allow you to be present in your purity in front of all of your innumerable brothers with the intention of helping me find again the light of the Faith in their own hearts, strong with the knowledge of our own great Love, strong with the knowledge of our own existence, strong with the knowledge of the help from the Sky that we send you, strong in the heart of your immense Love.
My brothers I absolve you from your sins and starting from today do go ahead and open the hearts of your brothers to the words that I just dictated to you and through these messages of mine I made you a lot stronger in the Faith and now brothers go and enrich your own brothers with the same hope, with the same Love, with the same joy with which I enriched your hearts since we started this path together.
It is difficult for me to leave you today without a valuable message of growth, but my emotions are very intense today and by speaking to you I would continue to talk of the joy that I feel in my heart, joy, I would only talk to you about joy and so listen up, for this is what I am sending you today; your brother Jesus is brimming with joy, with hope and Love for the period of time that begins with today for all brothers of the entire world.
With endless joy and endless Love
Your brother Jesus Christ
Message sent 24th April 2005
Title Faith Opening Up Of Our Love Relinquishing Your Individuality For The Common Good
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