The Discovery Of Your Brothers And Their Path Of Growth

The Discovery Of Your Brothers And Their Path Of Growth
My dear and loved brothers and my dear and loved sisters, let's continue today with our journey that we began in the discovery of your many brothers who are next to you and who, just like you, are following their path of growth amongst their brothers.
Let's prepare ourselves to meet new brothers, with the eyes full of the light of the Love we reach those brothers, hand in hand, with your brother Jesus.
Let's walk into this train station.
What a change, outside of the station I noticed that many brothers looked at each other in the eye when they walked by; our eyes inside of the station notice that those brothers look far away into the distance with their eyes; right now, even though they are there between their brothers in this station, their eyes look far away, to their destination, their eyes are already at the destination and those brothers through their eyes have already arrived at their destination.
It will be difficult to speak to some of them, we will try, let's see what we can experiment.
The eyes of a brother notice us, here he is, he is coming closer, the answer to the question is "I am sorry, we are not here to catch a train, we are here to meet our brothers, by the way may I introduce myself, I am your brother Jesus and this brother who is here with me (and at this point you pronounce your name) we are meeting our brother to know them better.
The eyes of that brother are smiling "Jesus, forgive me, brother Jesus, it's been a long time since you abandoned earth, for this reason I do not believe you, today you tell me that you have returned, I see you, but I do not believe that you are Jesus, because otherwise you would have returned on earth, even if I would be happy to know that you have really returned I can not believe that you would leave Paradise to return here, why would you do that? I am sorry but I do not believe you. Even if in your eyes I see a lot of Love, brother, I do not believe you, it's impossible.
Look at my eyes, my brothers, they speak of truth to you, in my eyes you see Love, it's Love that sent me here amongst you on earth, to help you with my presence, to help you with my holy words.
That brother hugs me because in his heart he knows what the situation is, his hope has been increased and his heart knows the truth, but at the same time his mind processes my return on earth as something impossible. Who do you think that brother will listen to, his heart or his head?
With a smile he says goodbye and he leaves, his head won, did you notice how the hope that he would recognize the message of the heart touched all of you?
The hope that involved your brother in front of Jesus, hope is a perception of truth; let your heart alert you of elements of truth through hope.
Another brother notices us, he comes closer, again we speak to that brother of our intentions to meet our brothers.
Faced with the revelation that I am Jesus, diffidence pops up "I am sorry but I do not believe a word you said, Jesus, why would Jesus speak specifically to me? There are people out there who are more important than me, what can I do, I do not have many powers, I am sorry but I don't believe it because if you were really Jesus, you would have gone, I don't know, to the Pope or to people in power in our political world, those people do have the power to do many things, I am sorry but I don't believe you.
In his heart that brother accepted the fact that I could have returned but he thinks it's useless for me to speak to other brothers and he has in his heart the hope that I could put order in the world only by talking to people in power.
That brother considers himself so very small in his power and in his responsibility to be able to change the rules of your world that even though he did desire an intervention from me, he thinks it's futile for me to interact with him.
Brothers, I am listening to the thoughts of those brothers in the world and they all feel small, even you who are listening to these messages, you have hope in your heart but you give up and think that only the power, only powerful people can change your world.
And this is where you are wrong, my loved brothers, because power is all of you, power always shifted whenever you decided to change the rules of your worlds; suffice it to think of the many reforms that you have demanded loudly to notice that your own voice creates, and has created, extremely important changes.
Another brother notices us, he comes close, we talk again, a small advice, he accepted it, the fact that I am Jesus does not seem to shake him up too much, the light of my eyes switched on his hope and this hope immediately lit up inside him his own hope for change in your world.
It's this brothers' heart and not his mind that is in charge, however in answer to an invitation to get to know us, he looks at me and says "First do a miracle and then I will happily follow you to carry your name amongst the people".
"My brother I am not here on behalf of the Father to make miracles, I am here to help you get to know each other amongst brothers, to give you the opportunity to know yourselves also in your differences between brothers because it's by recognizing yourselves as brothers from the same Father that you may free up your own Love more deliberately, toward all of your brothers of the entire world".
That brother carries inside the inspiration to follow me, right now he recognizes his power of change, he recognizes that the meeting with other brothers can always create more power for the collective voice, but faced with a clear refusal to make a miracle, because this is not the purpose, the aim, he stops pensively, he would like to but he does not have any guarantee, which a miracle would give him. How will he decide? With his heart or with his mind?
That brother is thinking, he is reflecting, this is a moment where he is deciding his future life, this meeting is important and without a miracle could I really surrender myself completely to this brother who claims his name is Jesus?
This is a very important moment, he is deciding his life in complete freedom, he is deciding if the meeting is important, or if the miracle is important. Can words alone convince me, or not, he is looking at me and while thinking he notices that inside his heart, in the place of suspicion, by listening to my words, I have sent a sweet sensation of Love that is so great that inside his heart he feels happy to have met such a great Love, so magical that even a miracle becomes less important now, the reflection stage starts, commencing from the heart, from this wonderful Love, the meeting of my Love with his great Love, now the reflection concludes, from now on there will be three of us to go forth to all of your brothers, we will be the strength of our three hearts that will meet the brothers in the world, there will be three or maybe four of us, if while you are reading, you too feel inside your heart the desire to follow us, to be together to speak, meet, send the many words that you have heard that that you will hear in this contact with your brother Jesus and if sometimes I will truly be able to manifest myself next to you, you will know extremely well that this miracle was more of a gift to you rather than your specific need, because our Love says much more, always and everywhere, than a single miracle that lasts a few seconds. Do you agree?
To all of you today and to you tomorrow, I will tell the same words as always, I love you, I love you, I love you, all of you, brothers, sisters of the world, I love all of you, I really love each one of you, those of you who believe and also the non-believers, those with great hope and those who really have little hope, those who already put a lot of Love and those who are still learning, those who are already learning to listen to all of their feelings in their immense heart and those who are still protecting themselves by anchoring themselves to their mind, all of you brothers, I love all of you.
I will now part from you with this feeling of Love that wraps around me completely, but I only leave you with my words, my eyes and my sweet Love are always with you.
Your brother Jesus Christ.
Message transmitted from the Sky 9th October 2005
The Discovery Of Your Brothers And Their Path Of Growth The words of the Angels
