The Strength of the Change Create Positive Energy into the Collective Energy Message about Energy

The Strength of the Change Create Positive Energy into the Collective Energy Message about Energy
Today my dear children we’ll begin to talk about Love to make you fully aware of the strength of the change that Love can bring.
When we project Love into the collective energy, we create positive energy and send it into the collective energy. If we create positive energy when we participate with our Love, positive energy will cut through the dense smoke created by the many negative energies, energies sent by fears, by injustices, by selfishness, by all the suffering inflicted to many people.
Therefore it’s by going through the negative energies that our Love can be picked up by everyone.
These energies are present simultaneously right next to the positive energy, however the heart, every heart, will feel involved with the positive energy.
The strength of the change releases into the heart, and the heart feels inside as if it is surrounded by the positive energy.
For the heart, feeling in contact with the positive energy feels like a support, with the hopes, the possibilities, possibilities of realization of a different world, commensurate to everybody’s growth.
This important change takes place by projecting your own feeling of Love from your heart.
Take your feeling of Love and project it outside of yourselves, and make it available to the collective energy.
You are projecting all the time, every time you project your feelings, every time you contribute to create the collective energy your feelings project energy into the collective energy; if inside you there is awareness, you will stop emotions of destruction, by tapping “always a possibility” from the collective energy for a solution, and thus calmed down, with calmness you will face your problem, trying to highlight the aspects that could bring about solutions, and then, almost always you find the solution.
If at the time of your reflection you project “possibility”, the collective energy will be enriched with your feeling of possibility, and when, even with help, you will notice a possibility for a solution to a certain problem, you will project “solutions are always present” into the collective energy.
At this point, the feeling that you encounter with the solution can be transmitted with more strength through the aware thought, aimed at the enrichment at the same time of the collective energy and of your own energy, as a positive experience that can be available for your growth experience, starting from that moment on.
Again with awareness, you can project every smile when facing a certain situation, the joy you felt, the Love you felt, energy that starts from you and reaches your brothers like a knowing message, non written down, not verbalized, but expressed by one heart to other hearts.
A dialogue, this is an example, of the aware enrichment of the collective energy, aware shipment of energy, aware transmission, aware change of the field in which those hearts will be breathing.
Awareness of your own Love is awareness that is sent into the collective energy for everybody.
This change is awareness into the collective energy.
Awareness sends to the hearts a reawakening in their own awareness, and the possibility like you of an existence that is aware.
My eyes are full of possibilities, my eyes are full of opportunities, my eyes are full of possibilities that injustices may be eliminated, my eyes are full of belief in my children, in their possibilities, in the solutions that all of you together can find, in the answers of the heart to all questions, in collaboration, in solidarity, believing in my children is what illuminates my eyes, my children are primarily Love, and they can bring Love to the whole earth. Excuse me if I cry, it’s such an intense emotion to believe in all of you, I cry tears of expectation in your realization. You are Love, all my children are Love, may you be aware that you are always next to your Father, who loves you and who believes in each one of you; a heart in love with all of you and who knows how much wonderful Love you can produce.
Be aware of your Father being embraced to you, awaiting for your Love to be always expressed for the wellbeing of everybody.
I believe in each one of you, in all of you
I am embraced to you, I repeat, I believe in each one of you
With immense Love
Your Father
Message transmitted 24th January 2007
Title The Strength of the Change Create Positive Energy into the Collective Energy Message about Energy
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