Understanding and Reflection Being Love Under Every Circumstance Soul and Materiality Believing

Understanding and Reflection Being Love Under Every Circumstance Soul and Materiality Believing
My much-loved children, I am your Father, here to help all of you, I am your lighthouse, I am your example, I am all of this to you.
My sweet children let’s continue to reflect on the journey you have undertaken to come close to our Sky only to realize later that you actually are the Sky, even while you are on earth.
Over time you mature experience, experience about yourselves, your Being Love and you mature experience toward your brothers about their Being Love.
Over time you addressed as “Love” a certain brother or sister who was able to express their Love to you and, over time, even friendship, as recognition of the bond of Love that was created between the two of you.
However, over time, some brothers have been your enemies, some brothers have been non-friends.
The experience is what brings you to reflect, the possibility in a meeting to realize a meeting of your Love with another person’s Love, or a meeting in which you notice difficulties in the meeting between two hearts. This is the product of every experience, noticing if in front of your heart there is another heart that is available to experiment itself in its being Love, or whether it’s a heart that is worried about expressing itself.
There are many causes that make it difficult for a brother to express himself fully, and some of the most common causes are especially seeing yourselves in your experience on earth as being without continuity in the Sky, both in the way you arrived and when you will leave. For those of you who listen to the messages, you understand more and more clearly that the existential passage on earth is a passage of experimentation, a sweet phase in time where the heart, in complete freedom, can express freely both to itself and at the same time to others.
For many brothers, thinking of existence as having no continuity with your total experience of being a Soul brings these brothers to experiment their existence as pure materiality, where believing is living under the illusion of a materiality that is not perceivable and it’s impossible to demonstrate. This brings to a complete denial of the concept of Paradise and the Sky is simply seen as an atmosphere around earth, like rain or a shiny sun, but in the heart there is so much truth that itches to get out through the conscience, and this truth, in a very specific contact with the truth perceived in the conscience of the other person, brings to reactions that are so impetuous as to turn a search for truth into an internal explosion overwhelmingly full of truth and of fear that the truth may be the opposite of what is being felt.
Even though your brothers carry the same truth inside their hearts, they all have this same great fear that it may not be the truth.
I know, it’s hard sometimes to maintain a calm composure if in front of us we see that fear, that explosion, with an attitude resembling aggression, however, by understanding this emotive state, you will be able to send a message that will calm down the heart so that the truth will express itself even inside that heart.
And over time the experience of being able to Be Love even when facing a worried heart will be experience of our being able to Be Love even in a situation of difficulty.
Understanding is in truth what you mature over the course of your experience, through reflection.
This is my contribution for today, teaching you how your understanding will become the way, through reflection, to express yourselves fully under every circumstance.
A big kiss and a goodbye
Your Father, always next to you
Message transmitted 15th February 2007
Title Understanding and Reflection Being Love Under Every Circumstance Soul and Materiality Believing
Choose English version in www.leparoledegliangeli.com (the words of the Angels)
