The Important Value Of Speaking The Words

The Important Value Of Speaking The Words


The Important Value Of Speaking : my dear and precious brothers and my dear and precious sisters, I flood you with light, with my feeling, in the Love that I feel inside me, in the voice there are words but they come from my feeling, it’s my Love that is generating these words, I love you so much brothers, sisters, this is what I am translating into words, my Love for you; in the heart everything is clear, but if I do not put it into words, how can I transfer it to all of your hearts? I feel this Love inside my heart, can you feel it? no, and this is why I am generating words in the reality of my feeling; seeking words for you is wonderful, entering into my own emotion, so much Love is flowing right through me, how precious each one of you is for me, how precious is the life that you are leading there, and how much I would like to help you make this moment of your existence truly precious for you, I would like to truly help you be like me, immersed in your feelings, listening to these words of Love that, like in a sea, multiply and return to you; they move away from you, then they seek you and they come close to you again, and this finding each other generates Love in me, this tide inside the heart, this is what I am feeling.


This is what I am feeling, you are my tide, this sweet feeling I have, emotions that lead me toward you, you are inside me, you, whom I love. Emotions, you are in me.


When I love, nobody from you is external to me, I feel the emotion of each one of you in me, I love you in my feeling, not the body, I love your essence, and it’s inside me, I love you for who you are , for all the past that is inside me, your voice, do you think that every thought is inside me? Every moment of your heart is inside me, every feeling you experience, every movement of your heart is inside me, even some of your mistakes, but this is who you are and I love you all the same, I love you for what you are.


I have said many word for you from my heart, you have managed to hear me, for this reason words are so important, it’s making your own heart open for others to learn from, these are the words, the important value of speaking: making the feeling that your heart is experimenting known to others.


And I still add words, the feeling is felt, for you it’s normal to feel it express itself, stirring, moving inside your heart, the other person has only the words that you generate to feel what is stirring inside yourselves; often in Love you feel but you do not communicate, however this is a need of the heart that is loved to feel you in the heart. As your brother generated words from his Love, may you also be gradually the ones generating words toward those whom you love, open up your heart, the feeling that you are experiencing opens up for those whom you love to hear you.


I embrace you with my Love


Always your brother Jesus Christ


The Important Value Of Speaking The Words is the Message dictated 13th September 2010



The Important Value Of Speaking The Words


The Important Value Of Speaking The words of the Angels

