Christmas a sweet day made of Love

Christmas a sweet day made of Love for all


Christmas a sweet day made of Love : from the Sky our wishes for a Merry Christmas, Messages Of God The Father, Of The Virgin Mary, Of Jesus


My sweet sons and my sweet daughters, may I wish a sweet day made of Love for all the brothers and all the sisters that you will meet? You are my eyes upon many, you are my smile given to many, you are my lips that exchange so much love with many, you are my embrace exchanged as you meet others, you are carrying my Love on earth, you are my consolation on earth, and once again you are the ones who present my Love on earth.


Being together with you as you carry me, as you donate me, in the help or the happiness you carry my Love, your Love that your Father donated to you, to be with me always.


Today I thank you, my sons, my daughters, if you bring such an intense Love among your brothers it will be an excellent day, a day in which I like to imagine that earth will shine with light, and thanks to your Love I will be present.


I embrace you with all of my heart

Your Father in you


My dearest sons and my dearest daughters, my heart fills with you as I speak to you, and I wrap everyone around with joy, all of my children, it is so important for us to see you pray, to often make yourselves available in times of need, and sustaining those internal battles against other people’s selfishness, and winning with Love, always donating above any other selfishness and walking with your head high among brothers, carrying values and integrity; and so these battles make you stronger in times of need, and they make you my sons, my daughters; You understand that the strength that can come from you is in the victory of darkness with light, keep the image of you in front of your eyes and the light will never go out.


May this newly found light accompany your Christmas and every day after that. May my Love accompany you in the light every day. May my time be next to you, to share with you this great Love that I feel inside myself. May my Love always feed you sweet hope, always, always. Merry Christmas my beloved sons and my beloved daughters.

The Virgin Mary


Merry Christmas brothers, Merry Christmas sisters, this is our Paradise together, thinking of everyone as all together, no separation, no distance, we are all united, we are all just one thing, but there is one aspect that is missing: feeling it.


If you feel yourselves as different, you will feel difference.


If you feel yourselves as far away, you will feel distance


If you feel as people, you act like people.


If you feel you belong to earth, you will feel the Sky as a stranger


If you think of the creation, how can you notice the Creators if you are not part of it?


Even among yourselves, you will feel like a stranger if you don’t find yourselves.


The strength of unity is in your ability to feel, this is the emotion that places strength and light into the mind. Remember unity is our sweet reality, confide in this reality, just like my eyes can see you in the unity, even your own eyes can seek unity on earth, every part is connected to allow this vision of unity, earth and things are leaning on unity, earth and human beings participate in the unity, the Sky that surrounds earth participates in the unity, the earth that touches the sky in the unity, you have always an impression of unity whenever you look at the sky that surrounds us, you always have the impression of unity by also looking at your own brothers, just like you have an impression of unity in the feeling of Love, which is always present in every heart, just like Love is always coming to you, and is constant in our unity, in the unity of the many words sent from the Sky, in the unity transmitted for you, to tell you that we are unity.


There only exists one thought, and we are the thought


There only exists one feeling and we are the feeling


There only exists one unity, and we are the unity


Brothers, sisters, every one of us is part of the whole, and we create the everything by participating together


Brothers, sisters, may these Christmas holiday bring you the treasure of our being a sweet unity.


A very big wish from my heart

Your Brother Jesus Christ


Christmas a sweet day made of Love for all was the Message dictated 23rd December 2010




Christmas a sweet day made of Love for all


Christmas a sweet day made of Love The words of the Angels

