Angel tribute to an Angel photo images
Angel tribute to an Angel photo images presents Love of an Angel presence and hearts
Dear Sara, I a m a catholic and a churchgoer, I have always been a believer, but only recently I have been feeling a stronger need to get to know the depth and mystery that surround our life. I have alternatively doubts and certainties and this is the reason why I am asking you to help me to reach my Angel, even though in moments of certainty I recognize his signs : during the day, on different occasions I see hearts everywhere.
Moreover I have got a number that follows me when I am around, especially when I feel kind of down or think of things that worry me. I turn around and there it is ! I think it is always sent by him, my Angel!
Lately I have been praying with more determination and with a different kind of awareness; I can feel Jesus’s love in my heart and the motherly warmth of the Virgin, Mother of us all, and I am trying to walk down my path with the compass of Love to guide me. I believe though, this is the right time to get in touch with my Angel in a more tangible way and by doing that get rid of all my doubts. Do you want to help me ?
I have already told you that during the day I see hearts everywhere, I took pictures of some of these with my mobile phone, nevertheless when I see them before my eyes, each of them always grants me the same astonishment and amazement of a child.. It is a shame that in pictures they do not look so good as when I see them before my eyes.
Take a look at this picture, I was making a sauce :

And look at this one, on the cutting board you can clearly see another little heart:

And this one ? I was at school together with other four colleagues, we were having a break and the four of us walked to the automatic drinks dispenser to get the usual cappuccino … I was the last one and an image of a little heart appeared in the froth, my colleagues were bewildered and gave me a strange look as to say why you and not us ? And they smiled at me!

And this ? That morning I was feeling a little bit down, for breakfast I was having the usual slices of crispy toast-like bread, all square-shaped, but take a look at the last one in the box !