Smelling an intense aroma of mimosas
Smelling an intense aroma of mimosas experiences
Smelling an intense aroma of mimosas : for an entire day I could smell the scent of mimosas, at a time of the year when mimosas were not in bloom, and neither was I for that matter, it was a time of worries and anxiety for myself, I had been thinking about my mother all day, you know, my mother loved mimosas, and then that strong scent of mimosas, it lasted an entire day, wherever I went I could smell it, and the most incredible thing was that, due to an incident in the past, I had actually lost my sense of smell, and yet that day, which I still can not explain to myself, I could smell the scent, I felt embraced by that perfume, she was with me, I am certain of it, to let me know of her presence and give me strength.
Smelling an intense aroma of mimosas experiences are the words from Mari
Smelling an intense aroma of mimosas The words of the Angels