Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Asking the Angels for an answer

Asking the Angels for an answer experiences


Asking the Angels for an answer : we often give up asking our Angels for help because we believe we should not “bother” Angels for small things, in reality they want us to ask them all the time, nothing is silly in their eyes, today I just had yet another confirmation of this, at school the staff could not locate the keys to the gym room, and I had been the last one to use it with my students, and I needed an answer; I mentally asked to find them, and I extended my hand out to move the signature log book and they were hiding right under it.


Often, however, we forget to say thank you


Asking the Angels for an answer experiences are the words from Giusy


Asking the Angels for an answer


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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