Angels are with us
Angels are with us there is an Angel near me
Angels are with us : hello, my name is Claudia, my story goes back 10 years, it was a happy year, happy and sad because my grandmother passed ways 15 days before my wedding day, these two events so close together really destabilized me to the point where I started experiencing moments of severe stress, and then a few months later I had a dream.
I was standing in the middle of a forest, there was a table, the atmosphere was festive, at some point my grandmother appeared, she gave me a gift which I did not open, and I woke up.
The following morning, as I drove to work, I fell asleep at the wheel and had a car accident, I managed to wake up just in time to avoid a full frontal head-on hit since I had already entered the opposite lane; in the collision, my car flipped many times on itself, with the risk of being hit by oncoming traffic, its engine flew out of it but somehow the car managed to end up on the side of the road; I was uninjured, nothing was wrong with me, apart from a slight pain in my neck.
Many people rushed to my aid, I saw 2 people get out from a car and running to help me, they tried to calm me down, one of them checked that I was all right and called my husband on the phone, he said that my husband was on his way, but then I never saw that man again. I asked the other person that was with him about him, but he replied that there was nobody else with him, he was alone.
And that’s when I knew I was safe, my grandmother’s gift was my safety, there was an Angel near me.
Since that day I see so many hearts everywhere, I love life, and I love all Angels with us.
Angels are with us there is an Angel near me are the words from Claudia
Angels are with us there is an Angel near me
Angels are with us The words of the Angels