Le Parole degli Angeli
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Love shows itself everyday phrases

Love shows itself everyday phrases and signs


Love shows itself everyday phrases : hello Sara, last night something peculiar happened to me, I was in the car with my brother, we were driving through an area we did not like very much because it was a part of the town inhabited by unsavory characters; my brother got out of the car, I felt very nervous and I started to pray to the Madonna; suddenly, I felt something, or somebody sitting down into the seat next to my driving seat, and this is not all, once I got home I thanked the Madonna for having helped me, suddenly I heard a bird chirping, just one time, and then I did not near anything else; I wondered who it could have been sitting down next to me, in fact it made me think of my maternal grandmother; it was snowing outside and soon after that a piece of snow in the shape of a heart landed on my coat, could it have been her?, could she have manifested this way?, love shows up in times of need, every day when there is need, and I had a clear sign of it.


Something wonderful happened to me yesterday, it was a special day, I felt the protection of the Sky upon me quite strongly, I am sending you a hug.


Love shows itself everyday phrases are the words from Silvia


Love shows itself everyday


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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