Le Parole degli Angeli
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Losing a baby during pregnancy

Losing a baby during pregnancy experiences


Losing a baby during pregnancy : dear Sara, I was expecting my third child, he was a little boy; it had been a normal pregnancy up until the sixth month, then I started having health issues, my vitals were off, so I called the doctor who had been taking care of me, who lately had been really hard to find; a different gynecologist showed up, he told me that my doctor was in the operating room, but he could visit me, everything seemed normal; fast forward to my 8th month, 22 kilograms, an enormous belly, I felt sick, the doctor was still nowhere to be found.


By the end of the month I had a dream, I was in a hospital where I was going to give birth, with a gynecologist I had never met; I was in a room with my baby, I heard some steps, it was my father, who had passed away 6 years ago, and he told me to give him my child, I asked why, and he said that the baby had to go with him; I left the room, along this long corridor, I told him again to give me my baby back, and he said he couldn’t, and he added that I had to leave because it was not my time yet; I was left looking at my dad with my child in his arms, he turned, and waved at me with his hand.


After three days, in the morning of 29th November, I could no longer feel my baby in my belly, I did not feel well, I had a temperature, I called my mother to tell her I no longer felt my baby; I took a shower and we went to the hospital.


The gynecologist checked to see if he could hear the fetus’ heartbeat, but he couldn’t, he said that the fetus had died.


I went to a different hospital to get a second opinion, they told me the fetus had died from my pre-eclampsia; I won’t tell you how horrible the delivery was; while in the delivery room I recognized the gynecologist from my dream, and from there I understood that the dream had become reality, the doctors told me it was a delivery of a fetus that had been dead for three days, I gave birth to him on 1st December, 2004.


I was suffering from a serious infection, I had problems with the delivery, the gynecologist gave me a kiss on the forehead, the obstetrician told the gynecologist “the baby is dead, let’s hope the mother pulls through”


This was my dream, my father taking my baby, and saying goodbye to me; this is my story; two years later I had a wonderful little girl, her name is Francesca, then God gave me another boy, whom I named just like the previous baby that did not survive, but that I know is with my father, and one day


I will him see again.


Losing a baby during pregnancy experiences are the words from Chiarina


Losing a baby during pregnancy


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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