Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


My dog passed away and I dreamed of him

My dog passed away and I dreamed of him experiences


My dog passed away and I dreamed of him : the night after my little dog passed away I dreamed of him, in the same field where I would take him for our walks, he was under a tree together with a fox and a fawn, both of them looking at him with love, and his tongue was hanging down from running and playing with them; I was on the other side of the road, and I was worried that he would cross the road and could get killed.


Now I understand that the road represented this world, and the other side was where my love now lives, he just wanted to tell me not to worry, that he is well, he is playing and he is free and happy now, in fact, I dreamed of him young and full of health.


My dog passed away and I dreamed of him experiences are the words from Monica


My dog passed away and I dreamed of him


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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