Afterlife signs after life heart shapes images
Afterlife signs after life heart shapes images photo pictures Love of the other side mother
Dear Sara Luce, I would like to give you my testimonial, too.
In October 2002 I lost my mother. Not long before her death, she had a habit of never showing up without bringing anything along, on the contrary, each time she came to visit me, she used to bring something with her. One day she brought me a bag of potatoes, among these was a giant potato, clearly heart-shaped, and mummy said to me ‘You see, even through the things I bring you, I am showing you how much I love you....’.
One month and a half after, my mother died from post-operative complications. In the night, while she was dying, I felt cold all night long and I dreamt that she came to hug me; in the morning, after coming back from school, where I took my children, my husband and my sister-in-law gave me the news, you have no idea of the pain and desperation I felt from that moment on ... well, to make it short, a little while after her death she started to manifest, I usually do not talk about this, because people might think I am crazy.
She gives signs through heart-shaped things, no matter what I do, but more frequently during the holydays. I see hearts everywhere and they materialize all around me, this is for me a sign that she is close to me: from the coffee drops on a tablecloth to the crumbs of a pizza eaten together with some friends, to the cappuccino I had one morning when I went to Rome to visit her sister, when I asked for someone’s opinion, if that on the froth was a heart indeed... because I always look for confirmations in people who do not know my story.
Lately I have gone to the trouble of keeping the heart-shaped things somewhere safe.
Unfortunately my father died too, this year in July, we had a special relationship, I think he appears to me in the form of a butterfly, because on the morning after he died I found a giant butterfly in my bedroom, which quickly disappeared... even though the windows and the doors were shut... moreover, whenever I go to his house, a butterfly flies toward me, maybe that’s because my mother used to say that daddy was a “farfallone” (in Italian “big male-butterfly”, meaning a man who courts one woman after the other) because he liked women...
A hug, talk to you soon.
These you see are only a few of them, I had to protect them with some adhesive tape because I was afraid they might break up.

Title Afterlife signs after life heart shapes images photo pictures Love of the other side mother