Orbs in Medjugorie testimony of Love
Orbs in Medjugorie testimony of Love experience in Medjugorie image picture testimonial of Sergio
Medjugorie, Saturday 23rd May 2009
I arrived in Medjugorie at about 10.00 a .m., after taking a look around and finding a room in a hotel, we took a walk around the village and outside the Basilica of San Giacomo.
At about 2.00 p.m. we went to church to pray and, after bumping into a friar, I asked him if there were any prayer groups heading toward the Apparitions Mountain : he showed me a group of French people ready to leave and introduced me to the group leader, who could speak Italian, too. Due to different circumstances, I missed the group departure (they left 1-2 minutes before my arrival), I tried to catch up and join them. I took the wrong way and and thinking that was the place of the Apparitions I walked fast toward the Krizevac, the big Cross being my reference point
The weather was hot, I was sweating and, being in a hurry, I forgot to bring some water with me.
Not running into anyone and having left the last houses far behind, I realized I was not heading toward the place of the Apparitions.
Tired and discouraged, I stopped and walked back till I reached the first house, outside this house I met a woman who, not being able to understand my language, did not answer my questions and went back into the house. I walked down a little bit more and saw a house that looked like a rest stop, a woman was standing outside, but she answered my questions shaking her head, too, then she went on doing some cleaning. Behind a glass door I could hardly see a man, who was dressed either like a layman or a priest, I asked him as well to show me the way to the Apparitions Mountain , but he just stared at me and kept silent.
Being discouraged and tired because of the heath, thirsty and disappointed, having failed to reach the place of the Apparitions, being aware of not having much time, since I had to leave my disabled wife in church to wait for me, who by the way had not been feeling well lately, I walked back feeling sad; I was walking keeping my head down, lost in my thoughts and doing so, apparently with no reason at all, I started to pray the Rosary, asking our Lady to listen to me on my way back, too. I had not walked more than 100 metres that I heard a voice behind my back, someone was calling me speaking Italian with difficulty. He asked: “Are you looking for the place of the Apparitions?” I answered “Yes”, he caught up with me and began to give me the necessary instructions to reach the place: walk down to the village, take a right, then immediately turn left, walk straight on, keeping on the right side, you will see a small country path, the distance is about 2 Km , etc. I said “Thank you very much for your kindness, I will walk down to the village and if I cannot find my way, I will ask”.
This is a description of the man : he was about 1,70 m tall, had a short beard and white hair, he dressed like a traveler, he was tanned and sturdy, about 55/60 years old. The man realized that I had not quite understood the directions he gave me, and suddenly said : “Wait for me a moment”, he went back into the first house where I had earlier asked for information, then he came out carrying a rucksack on his back, he reached me and said:
“Let’s go together”. On the way (about 2 Km walk) he talked about his life and told me he had been a pilgrim at Fatima, Lourdes, Santiago de Compostela, taking the longest path, Siracusa, but only there in Medjugorie he had found what he was looking for. We arrived at the village, then we took the country road leading to a vineyard, in the background you could see the hamlet of Bijakovici and the Apparitions Mountain .
He stopped, stared at me for one minute, without saying a word, his gaze pierced right through me; all of a sudden he took off the necklace made of rubber he was carrying around his neck, where a medal bearing the image of the Madonna hung, he put it in my hand and made it into a fist, saying these words : “Keep it always with you and pray the Mother a lot with your heart, she will be close to you and give you the gifts you need, in the same way as I received them from her. Now you have to climb up and reach her on your own, I am leaving you here, bye bye my friend”. We gave each other a long and spontaneous hug and like two good old friends, who had always known each other, I said to him : “I do not know how to repay your generosity but in my prayers I will remember you, and if some day, while getting round, you come to Verona, I would like to see you and invite you to my house”. He answered again with difficulty : “In Verona you have Romeo and Juliet, nice, but even nicer is the church devoted to Saint Teresa of the Bambin Gesù: lucky you”. I immediately thought of my wife, who was waiting for me in the Basilica: I had to leave, so we said goodbye this way, lifting our hands, as to say thank you, while I quickly walked alone toward the Mountain. Finally I started walking upwards on the scree, leading to the place of the Apparitions, I did not feel like praying but I spontaneously sang the Marian song Sweetest Name; it just came out of my mouth by itself.
During the climb, I observed many believers who were on their knees on the scree, praying in front of the Cross Stations. I arrived at the place of the Apparitions, I was standing in front of the Statue of the Madonna, a Holy Cross made of wood was in the background, I went down on my knees and I intensely prayed for my intentions. While I was praying I thought again of the encounter with that man and the emotions mixed with my desire to pray, that touched my heart, and I see it as a special event, to which it is difficult to give an answer.
In the evening, back in the village, in church, during the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, I tried so hard to find this man in order to thank him again and give him my telephone number : I never saw him again. Ever since I met this person, who infused Peace in me, I have become a different man, with the Holy Rosary in my hand as the only tool to be grateful, to live and to infuse serenity and inner peace in everyone who approaches me.
Of course I told my wife about what happened, beginning with these words : “I met Jesus”. She looked at me in amazement and told me that maybe it was the heath and the lack of water. From my point of view I can say that till that day I had always been a believer without going to church that much, even though I often read pages of the Bible, I had not been confessing my sins for 20 years, preferring a personal dialogue with Jesus, who mercifully would excuse me; I was following, as to say, a kind of do-it-yourself religious practice. Today, after this experience of Faith, I have changed a lot, I have gone back to confession on a regular basis and I say my prayers every day, I often pray the Holy Rosary, too. I am happy because today in my thoughts Jesus and his Queen of Peace always come first, even though right now in my life I am going through some trouble and difficulties, and that is because of the violent outbreak of my wife’s disease and a problem concerning our only daughter, but thanks to prayers I feel serenity in my heart and a strong desire to live and testify everywhere my renewed faith . Thank you Queen of Peace, thank you Jesus.
The picture I am showing you was taken by my wife, when she saw it, she also believed that the Madonna is closer than she thinks.