Le Parole degli Angeli
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Voices from Heaven chorus say life continues

Voices from Heaven chorus to say that life continues after death

Voices from Heaven chorus say life continues : hello to everyone from Sara Luce, today I will show you a very precious recording, voices from Heaven, chorus to say that life continues after death, after death of children, an excerpt from a larger recording, a metaphony recording, where you can hear a chorus of voices from the Sky singing for the person who was recording at that moment, they are singing a sentence, instead of saying it they are singing it, adapting the tune to it.

First of all, however, I would like to tell you the story behind it.

Last September I received a message from Livia, she is a mum who lost her daughter at the ninth month of pregnancy, the pain, the desire to understand the meaning of what had happened to her pushed her to a spiritual research, and she met me, she also met Francesca Scarrica and through Francesca she met the couple Danila and Virgilio Desideri, as a few of you are aware, they have been working for years with metaphony through the technique of the reversed tape.

And this is how our Livia, through the great help from Francesca and the help from Virgilio Desideri learned this technique and learned to do her own registrations independently.

During the exchange of letters between me and Livia we talked about all the above, always looking for something that can be of help to all of you, I asked Livia to dedicate one of her days to me, with Livia being the teacher and me the student, to learn their system, which presented the great advantage of the short time needed to learn it, as opposed to the metaphony that I learned and used.

One again in her letters Livia talked to me about this registration which you are about to hear today, she recorded together with the Desideri couples, and the day we met, the first thing that Livia made me hear was the entire registration.

I was spellbound from the point of view of the beauty of it, for the preciousness of that gift, for those brief moments, because this song is very brief, but I was listening to it moment by moment, as if time had slowed right down, in fact when I listened to the recording again later, I was surprised at how brief it was an excellent quality of sound, and it can be heard by every human ear that is not trained to listening to metaphony.

You know how valuable it is to share with other, and so I asked Livia if it would be possible to turn that piece of recording into an audio file, to share it with all of you, I am not able to do that, she did not know how to, but Virgilio Desideri, whom I thank from the bottom of my heart, was able to do it, he converted that file into an audio file that my software programmer then converted into an mp3 file so you can access it from the website, Virgilio then published it on his website’s pages and so did Francesca Scarrica through her own site, and now here I am, sharing it with you.

And now let’s talk specifically about this file, as I mentioned to you, it is a part of a much longer recording where Angela, the little girl who spoke with Livia from the sky, she also talks to some presences that are next to her in the Sky, she laughs with a little shrill and mischievous voice, and then the gift, the song that she sings for her mum, together with many other voices, this chorus that sings a precious phrase "POI VI DICO NOI SIAM VIVI, E LA VOCE PUO’ STARE LI", "Then I tell you we are alive, and the voice can remain there".

I will say goodbye and I will leave you to listen to this chorus from the Sky

Voices from the Sky a chorus say life continues are phrases of Sara Luce

Voices from the Sky a chorus to say that life continues after death life after death of children

Voices from the Sky chorus say life continues

www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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