Heart A Gift From The Sky Heart in the Moon
Heart A Gift From The Sky Heart in the Moon Picture Of Assisi
Heart A Gift From The Sky Heart in the Moon : hello Sara, I have been following your beautiful website for months now. I find teachings and answers to the questions that I ask even only to my own heart, I used to have a wish, to visit Assisi Italy, and so, after many months and delays with my family, we reached Assisi and its surroundings and visited for 4 days.
I have to specify that my family is a little reluctant to discuss the spiritual world, however I talk to them of our Guardian Angel anyway, of the creatures of Light that are close to us. After having found a few stones and objects in the shape of a heart, now my own relatives show me particular stones they found that are in the shape of a heart, and this makes me happy.
Returning on the subject of Assisi, I have to say that those 4 days were just wonderful, full of peace and of joy. It’s a place where you can breathe serenity and you don’t ever want to go back home.
The night before our return home my son was taking night time pictures of Assisi and also of the moon in the sky. The moon was waxing. The first two pictures of the moon were normal, but the third one ….
My son, shocked and incredulous, showed me this picture from his camera. What a wonderful thing!
I believe it was a gift from the sky for us, but also for all of those people who want to see. To let us understand that we are never alone, and that from up there they love us and they are always with us.
It’s been at least a month, and I still live in a state of grace and joy and my heart is full of gratitude.
May peace and love fill everyone’s hearts.

Heart A Gift From The Sky Heart in the Moon Picture Of Assisi
Heart A Gift From The Sky Heart in the Moon
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels