Le Parole degli Angeli
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Love of a Spanish Angel Signs of Presence

Love of a Spanish Angel Signs of Presence Hearts Photos


Love of a Spanish Angel Signs of Presence : these photographic testimonials of hearts arrive to us from Carmen, one of our readers who follow us from Spain, since she speaks Spanish, I have tried to ensure that her words give us as true a rendition of her testimonial as possible, and I chose among the pictures she sent me the most special ones, hearts, corazons, unique and delightful?, a hug to all of you from your Sara Luce


Hello Sara, my name is Carmen, first of all I apologize for my Italian, I am Spanish and for me it’s very difficult to write into another language, I hope you will understand.


I send you some hearts that my Angel sent me ? If you want to place them in one of your pages I would be very happy ?


(Sara Luce) After having seen the pictures sent from Carmen, I asked her to explain a little about the origin of those pictures, and specifically, the events or her requests to Heaven, and this is how I received Carmen’s reply.


Hello Sara, actually, I will tell you how it happened, it’s very simple, one day I looked at your page and I saw at least three people explaining that their Angel had been sending them some hearts, so I said, very well, I did not even mention it out loud, but I did think “How I would love to also find these little hearts” and a couple of days later I started seeing hearts, on the floor in the living room, in a serviette in the kitchen, a piece of bread ..... everywhere …. and I had only expressed a thought, nothing more ….


I can’t tell you the emotions that I felt, I could not believe it, for me it was something incredible, I am so happy to know that my Angel listens to me all the time, and not only that, he sends me numbers and many other signs ? I am soooo HAPPY


Thank you Sara for your page, and for being so kind


A warm goodbye, Carmen


And so … let’s look at the pictures of these hearts, these corazons, that Carmen’s Angel sent her …. Because we are all brothers in one world, one humanity, and who knows, her Angel may not be called Filippo but Felipe, but his Love is identical to that of every Angel present next to us on earth, this is the beautiful part of the great Love of the Father, we are all wonderful and loved, and at whatever latitude or longitude we may find ourselves in, we are all His Children, wherever we are on this planet earth.


Let’s look now together at Carmen’s pictures










Last Thursday I found a white crown (I think this is the word for it) made entirely of feathers, just like those that the Angels wear, just as I was stepping out of my car, it was on the ground, my goodness I was so shocked ?




One more hug to all of you from Carmen and Sara Luce


Love of a Spanish Angel Signs of Presence Hearts Photos was the testimonial of Carmen


Love of a Spanish Angel Signs of Presence Hearts Photos


Love of a Spanish Angel Signs of Presence


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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