Le Parole degli Angeli
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San Bonico Scent At The Field Of Apparitions

San Bonico Scent At The Field Of Apparitions Scent of Roses or Violet


San Bonico Scent At The Field Of Apparitions : dearest Sara, it happened about a month ago, we were with a group of people, waiting for the seer called Celeste to arrive, when suddenly I smelled a very intense perfume of roses, I looked at my husband, can you smell it too? yes, I can smell it too; other people could not smell anything, we could smell it for five minutes, and then it went away; apparently in that location it happens relatively often that some people can detect a scent of roses or violets.


We had just returned from San Bonico Piacenza Italy, that night there were a lot of people, two buses joined us too, one from Alba and one from Bergamo, there seem to be more and more people joining us each time, it’s wonderful, I felt an inexplicable peace inside.


I attach one of the pictures we took at the moment of the apparition.




Evelino and Patrizia


As I looked at the pictures, I saw the hands rise of all those people, it was a beautiful gesture, I asked Evelino and Patrizia to tell me about it, here is their reply: Sweetest Sara, when the seer Celeste arrives we recite the Holy Rosary. As soon as he changes position to reach a walnut tree, which is where the Madonna appears to him, accompanied by two men, there is an incredible silence, even the people who live in the fields nearby seem to grasp the importance of the moment. From that moment on, many people, including us, raise our hands, because the Madonna descends among us, always accompanied by three Angels.


Sometimes the Madonna gives her hand to Celeste (the day I took the picture, a Thursday, it happened as well) and he feels his hand turning warm. Some other times the Madonna invites us to kneel down, and those moments are incredible. There are people who cry, there is a man who goes into a trance, he falls from his chair and stays down until the Madonna finishes with her message.


Dear Sara, I hope we have sent you the emotions that we feel in those moments through these short lines.


We love you,


San Bonico Scent At The Field Of Apparitions Scent of Roses or Violet was the testimonial of Evelino and Patrizia


San Bonico Scent At The Field Of Apparitions Scent of Roses or Violet


San Bonico Scent At The Field Of Apparitions


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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