Le Parole degli Angeli
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You Must Never Lose Faith And Hope

You Must Never Lose Faith And Hope Experiences


You Must Never Lose Faith And Hope : dear Sara Luce, first of all thank you for your wonderful messages and testimonials published on your website, testifying that our loved ones and our Angels are always close to us.


I have a wonderful family, a tranquil life …. and in 2002 I met the love of my life.


After six years of engagement, we decided to buy a house and live together … unfortunately life is unpredictable .. .and after not even two years, within a month …. a bad disease took him away to Heaven … at the age of 36 years …. so young …. even to date it all still seems so absurd to me …. it’s surreal ….


In that moment I was clutching on to God and my faith …. and so, while praying and speaking with GOD I asked him if my love was there with Him, to give me a sign, an answer.


The answer came in the evening, while I was doing the crosswords (I could not fall asleep) when I read the question “What does God take?” and the answer is “Soul” and then in the vertical section was the name “Alessandro” (which is the name of my love). In that moment I felt a beautiful emotion.


In the following days I received other signs, and this time I believe they came directly from my love. I saw little hearts all over the place in the Sky, while I was taking a bath, while I was going to work, and the last one was yesterday morning, while I was having breakfast, in my coffee cup (Here is the picture)




Then I found your website … and I think this is certainly due to our Angels in the Sky that guided me to your page.


I send you other hearts, which I photographed in almost three years …. received during special occasions … and even in moments when the thought flew up above, in the Sky …. they are there to tell us that they are always with us, and one day we will meet again.


This is while I was drinking some fruit juice ....




This one came while I was eating a snack ..…





Life is unpredictable … it takes from you and it gives you … today I found my serenity and a new companion, whom I care about so much …. I did not think that it could happen to me … and here I am, it happened, and for his I will never stop thanking the Lord and my Angel in the Sky who protects me and looks after me from up above.


I hope that this message may be of help to many people who, like me, have faced a great pain… you must never lose your faith and hope, they are always close to us…. Even if they are not here physically …. they send us a lot of signs, it’s up to us to recognize them.


A hug to you, dear Sara Luce and everybody.


You Must Never Lose Faith And Hope Experiences was the testimonial of Stefania


You Must Never Lose Faith And Hope Experiences


You Must Never Lose Faith And Hope


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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