Le Parole degli Angeli
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Images Of Guardian Angels

Images Of Guardian Angels Pictures Silhouette Of An Angel


Images Of Guardian Angels : last night I prayed my Guardian Angel to let me feel his presence again, then I fell asleep; this morning as I woke up, I did not notice anything right away, after breakfast I went to the sink to wash my hands and I noticed that I had an unusual stain right on the palm of my left hand.


I tried to wash it off, but it did not go away. Then I went closer to the window and took a good look at it under the day light, and I noticed that it looked just like an Angel.


Dear Sara, here are the pictures that I took.


images of guardian angels



image of guardian angel


I don’t know about you, but I see the face (the lighter oval shape at the top) and two open wings.


You even see the body that flows down (like a robe) on the picture it is not very clear but to the naked eye it was much more obvious.


In answer to your question, this “stain” on my hand disappeared by itself in the evening, just as quickly as it arrived by itself in the morning!!


Thank you for having contacted me.




Images Of Guardian Angels Pictures Silhouette Of An Angel is a testimonial of Laura


Images Of Guardian Angels Pictures Silhouette Of An Angel


Images Of Guardian Angels


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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