Le Parole degli Angeli
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Returning From My Prayer Group I Found Heart

Returning From My Prayer Group I Found Heart


Returning From My Prayer Group : hello Sara Luce, something beautiful happened to me two weeks ago, usually on a Sunday I go to a prayer group, San Giovanni, located in a small town nearby, I have to tell you that I really feel comfortable in that community; that Sunday in question was very cold, I was cosy and comfortable in my sofa in the living room, I did not feel like getting up because I was feeling so warm, it was afternoon, and the Mass would start at 15:30, I was debating with myself “shall I go next week”; and while I was rocking in my sofa and asking myself ‘shall I go, shall I not go’ , I heard a little voice say “go, go”.


I got up suddenly, without even thinking about it, I prepared myself, got in the car and went, the Mass had just started, I was happy to be there, I was happy with myself for it.


At 18:00 I left the prayer group, I said goodbye to a few friends, got in the car and started driving home. On Sundays I usually prepare the little rucksack for my work, I took out my documents from my purse to put them in the rucksack … and …. stuck to the front of my documents I found this wonderful heart, I am sending you a picture of it; I was so surprised, and with much joy I showed it to my husband and I thanked the Angels.


This is a true testimonial and I want to share it with you and with the entire group.


What can I say? Thank you Angels, thank you Sara Luce.


Pictures of a heart find after prayer group


Returning From My Prayer Group I Found Heart was told by Aurora


Returning From My Prayer Group I Found A Heart


Returning From My Prayer Group


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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