Le Parole degli Angeli
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Refractory celiac disease not stop Madonna

Refractory celiac disease does not stop the Madonna of Medjugorje


Refractory celiac disease does not stop Madonna : thank you Sara Luce, I was reading one of your last testimonials about the Madonna of Medjugorje, the mother of Medjugorje, our Celestial Mother, a beautiful testimonial (http://www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en/miracles/4306-miracles-of-the-madonna-of-medjugorje-witnesses.html).


It happened to me too, there was a time when I wanted to go and thank the Mother at all costs.


I had no money. I asked the Celestial Mother to take me to her!!!


I suffer from a celiac disease, so it’s difficult for me to take food with me during long trips.


In the end, twice someone ended up financing my trip ... I chose a family-run hotel near Podbrdo. They cooked everything without gluten since the wife of the owner also suffered from the celiac disease … I put on 4 kilos. For me it had been nearly impossible to put on weight, since my type of celiac disease was the refractory type.


I took a picture of the Krisevak mountain, and its cross. From the picture you could see the Mother appear, with her hands extended out toward the Cross of Jesus …. there was not one single cloud …. the image shows up on as the top right hand corner … take a look.


Cross of the Krisevak mountain image


I asked the Mother once again to take me back to see her … our Mother made me see a miracle of a woman who was in bad shape, I am not sure what she was suffering form … she touched the tears of Christ, she started off with her body all twisted up, she passed out, and when she came to, she got up and suddenly she was standing up straight and was healed.


I was speechless … I did not like very much the curiosity of all those people who suddenly crowded that woman and touched her … I felt inside the impulse to place myself between the woman and the crowd … I remember the look of that woman … it was so deep, it touched my Soul …. it was her way of giving thanks …. so many miracles …. so many ….


Refractory celiac disease does not stop the Madonna of Medjugorje was told by Consuelo




Refractory celiac disease does not stop the Madonna of Medjugorje


Refractory celiac disease does not stop the Madonna


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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