Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Madonna of the Woods Sanctuary of Imbersago

Madonna of the Woods Sanctuary of Imbersago Lecco Italy pictures


Madonna of the Woods Sanctuary of Imbersago : good evening Sara, I just have to tell you about this, today I went to a beautiful place with my husband and twin sister, it was the Madonna Of The Woods close to the bottom of the Mount Of Pope John, in the town of Imbersago, to be precise, in the province of Lecco, Italy.


In this beautiful place the Madonna made an appearance, and there is a very pretty grotto with some sheets hanging there from 1617. The Virgin Mary appeared to three shepherds, here is how the story goes: on the 9th of May 1617 three shepherds were herding their sheep in the words, when on top of three enormous chestnut trees around the Wolf Springs, they noticed the great Lady, among lights and a celestial glow, and harmonious melodies. Pietro, one of the children, with much wonder, picked up a perfectly matured chestnut pod (in the spring!) and this represented a prodigious sign for the entire population that the Holy Virgin Mary desired to be honored in that place. From that moment on, the ritual of devotion to the Madonna Of The Woods was born, and over time, the Sanctuary of The Madonna Of The Woods was erected.


On the stairs of the Sanctuary (The stairs feature 247 steps) in order to receive the plenum indulgence, we were reciting a Holy Mary prayer to each step; the stair was rather full of people while I was climbing up, and as I was going up I took a few pictures, this one, in particular, seems like an Angel to me.


Madonna of the Woods Sanctuary picture


Then, when I was a few steps short of finishing the stairs, I found a beautiful little heart shaped pebble.


Little heart shaped pebble image


This morning, as soon as I woke up, I asked my Angel to give me a sign, and he did give me a sign, I just wanted to share it with you, another beautiful demonstration from my Angel.


This, on the other hand, is the statue of the Madonna Of The Woods.


Statue Madonna of the Woods picture


An embrace, good night


Madonna of the Woods Sanctuary of Imbersago Lecco Italy pictures was told by our Aurora




Madonna of the Woods Sanctuary of Imbersago Lecco Italy pictures


Madonna of the Woods


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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