Le Parole degli Angeli
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Life after Death testimonies Messenger

Life after Death testimonies Messenger of Love dream of my brother

Life after Death testimonies Messenger of Love : dear Sara, today I tell you about life after death and testimonies and messenger of Love, and dream, you can’t imagine how I consider your words as a panacea for me now that my mother has departed at 10 and 00 pm 19th April, I have been close to her until the end, wetting her lips and my brothers too, she died in her bed, in her house as she wanted to, with our family doctor present too, he knew her since long, but she had suffered a lot these last days, a terrible pain in her stomach.

My sister–in-law, who lives far away, and who didn’t know that mum was ill dreamt of my brother who died when he was 33, fifteen days before my mum died, said that in her dream he told her that he had come and call on Mum, the next day my sister–in–law phoned us and we told her about it.

Knowing that my sister–in-law dreamt of my brother, I asked Mum if Nando had been to see her, she said he did and that he asked her “mum do you want to come here with me?,it’s so nice”, she said she did, so he said “if you want to come here in the Light, you must accept God’s will, and still endure a little pain”, after just fifteen days she died.

Life after Death testimonies Messenger of Love dream are phrases from Gabriella

Life after Death testimonies Messenger of Love dream of my brother

www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en the words of the Angels

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