Le Parole degli Angeli
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Guardian Angel Eyes send Love

Guardian Angel A Glance of a Guardian Angel Eyes send Love
Guardian Angel Eyes send Love : dear Sara, I want to share this thing that happened to me this evening and that confirms how much Heaven wants to communicate with us even when we are busy with our everyday chores; do you remember some year ago, I wrote to you saying that probably my Angel used my daughter more than an once to communicate with me, with me being a “great big head” and often denying the evidence of things.
After supper my wife and I share the household chores, so while she looks after our little daughters and puts them to bed, I tidy up the kitchen, and load the dishwasher, suddenly my eldest daughter comes into the kitchen and unwrapping a chewing gum, without looking at me says “if you want to see your Angels’ glance, look into the eyes of the person you’ve just helped”, I must say I did know that, but its effect was withering, and still holding a plate, I asked my daughter “where did you read that? it’s wonderful!” she replied that she didn’t know in a tone that seemed as if she nearly didn’t realize that she had said it; so chewing her chewing gum she went out of the kitchen, that sentence wasn’t written on the wrapper of the famous chewing gum and I couldn’t understand why she said it to me with non reason and not even referring to anything; as I said, that wasn’t the first time things like that have happened to me, the sign that distinguishes them is “the goose pimples” I get all over my body.”
In these cases I feel “I’m receiving a visit”, this feeling lasts for a few instances but it’s intense and mystic.
Maybe it’s only a coincidence that some day ago I asked my Angel to get a glimpse even only for an instance of his face, while I was praying.
I hope you like this little witnessing of mine
Guardian Angel Eyes send Love are phrases of Carlo
Guardian Angel Eyes send Love
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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