Le Parole degli Angeli
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Guardian Angel Dreaming My Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel Dreaming My Guardian Angel A Message A Gift
Guardian Angel Dreaming My Guardian Angel : good morning to all of you of site The words of the Angels; before telling you about a strange case of, I can’t really explain it to myself, I must say I’m very reserved, and I am loath to disclose my thoughts and mostly sceptic, I’m having a bad time, an economic crisis, relatives with serious illnesses, including my only child, estrangements, and so on; eight years have passed with these problems, and I spent the last two years almost always in hospitals looking after my relatives; yesterday, being absolutely distressed, I started to surf the Web, in fact looking for psychological help and suddenly I wondered if I have ever had a Guardian Angel next to me.
So I ended up on your Site and I read Sara’s message that to be sincere made my cry and touched me. I thought about it all day long, asking my Angel to prove his existence.
So last night I had a strange dream.
I was a boy working in a shop managed by old people and suddenly a young girl with blond curly hair, dressed in white, came on a bike. She was beautiful.
Suddenly my employers stopped working, enchanted by that vision and I was saying that she was Mr. Lucky’s daughter (to tell the truth I don’t know anyone called like that) and that she came to pick me up.
I told her to wait a minute and I was embracing her shoulder.
I don’t remember anything else. I was uneasy when I woke up.
The following morning, I told my mum, who’s very ill, on the phone about my dream. Then I went on doing my work.
Towards the end of the morning my mum phoned me and said that the nuns, her friends, had brought her a parcel, a present, and when she opened it, she found a statue of an Angel, that she wanted to give me, remembering that I had dreamt of an Angel.
Well. I didn’t know what to say!!!
My Angel had listen to me, and left me a message.
I felt very cheered up not being alone on my path.
Dear greetings.
Guardian Angel Dreaming My Guardian Angel A Message A Gift are the words from Lucia
Guardian Angel Dreaming My Guardian Angel A Message A Gift
Guardian Angel Dreaming My Guardian Angel
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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