Le Parole degli Angeli
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Help from the Sky Help at a time of need

Help from the Sky Help at a time of need a Spectacular Coincidence


Help from the Sky Help at a time of need : hello Sara, I already told you about my testimonial of how my Angel guided me to him through a series of coincidences during a sad moment of my life, I don’t know if you remember, the speech from my Guardian Angel; now I would like to tell you of another miraculous episode, a few months ago I was in very difficult financial situation, I decided that at the youthful age of 45 it was time I moved into my own place, however rent rates are not aligned with current salaries; in any case, I decided that I would sacrifice and make it happen; a year and a half alter I was at the end of my rope, I realized that it was impossible, I had no life, I worked only to pay the rent and bills, I had no social life, a tiny little vacation, nothing in my name and my bank account was in the drain, I was even behind with various other payments, I felt so alone, I only bought food for my beloved cat, the only nice thing that happened to me during that year and a half, the adoption of that sweet creature.


So I decided to end the rent contract and go back to living with my parents, one day when I was moving my stuff, my spirits were so low (I saw the move as my latest failure) I stopped to buy some cigarettes, I noticed that I had a lotto ticket that I had forgotten inside the wallet for a long time, it was all scrunched up, I had not been playing lotto for who knows how long, I did play once then but I never threw away the slip (I wonder why?) ,in any case, the Sunday after the latest trip to move my stuff from my tiny apartment, the latest cry, I even had my father admitted in hospital at that time, I suddenly remembered the lotto ticket, I went on the internet, and I could not believe my eyes…. 4 numbers and there was even the super star win, for a total of more than 20,000 Euros, I was not a millionaire, but it was more than enough to be able to pay for everything and live without worrying.


This was the most spectacular coincidence that has happened to me as of today, I have many others less amazing in nature, if you allow me I will be happy to share them in the hope that they will help who reads them find faith and hope.


A great kiss to you Sara, and to my WONDERFUL Angel


Help from the Sky Help at a time of great need a Spectacular Coincidence was told by Paola


Help from the Sky Help at a time of need a Spectacular Coincidence


Help from the Sky Help at a time of need


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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