Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Guardian Angel Warning Of Danger

Guardian Angel Warning Of Danger From My Guardian Angel


Guardian Angel Warning Of Danger : hello Sara, it’s the first time I write to you, but I have been reading your site for a few years now, and just like many others, I bumped into your site by accident, and now practically almost every night I connect to your site to read the messages that have helped me and continue to help me as I try to understand the true meaning of Love, and how to communicate with my Angel.


Today I had the confirmation that He is close to me, I will tell you what happened, just like every evening, before I leave, I turns the lights off and I lock the offices; tonight, who knows why?, the light in the entrance went on by itself; perplexed, I went back, I turned that light off, and continued to wonder what it could mean.


I go toward my car and I decide to take the road home but driving slowly (which I rarely do); I turn into a road that goes into the woods, it’s a one way road, half-way down the road I notice, just before the curve, some car beams that come towards me, in my mind I kept telling myself “it’s not possible” ….. I instinctively move all the way to the right, and I see a semi truck driving right by my side … had I been driving any faster, I would have had a head-on collision; at that moment I started to cry, I can’t tell you if it was from fright or joy because I had confirmation from my Angel, that he wanted to tell me about the danger: thank you, thank you from all my heart.


Guardian Angel Warning Of Danger From My Guardian Angel was the testimonial of Luisa


Guardian Angel Warning Of Danger From My Guardian Angel


Guardian Angel Warning Of Danger


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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