Le Parole degli Angeli
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Hope A Contribution of Hope I Love you Much

Hope A Contribution of Hope I Love you Much


Hope A Contribution of Hope : hello Sara, I always follow you and I would also like to give my small contribution of hope, five years ago I lost my adored mum, I was very close to her, and despite the fact it happened a long time ago, sometimes I still feel the pain; the other day, during one of those moments of discouragement, I thought of her and told her: “dear mum, my angel, when your heart stopped beating my heart stopped also”


Then the bad moment passed away and I left the house to go to work.


I got into the car, turned the radio on, and I heard the nice song from Gianna Nannini, called “I love you so much", and it was as if it was my mum had somehow answered me ….


This is the text of the song


I will live with you


Every day begins where the kisses end


Now that it’s inevitable


A fantastic pain in the remaining minutes




I love you so much


And I will be there for you


If you feel in the heart


A love that is not there


I love you so much


And I will join you


With all my voice


Listen to me


I will sing for you


You will hear me in the air


Entering your eyes


Alone in the soul


I will live with you


Watching you exist and be born again in the sun


I know we are frail


And with the eyes of the angels


We watch ourselves resist


I see a better world


The clouds turn around


Make sure you shine


I love you so much


Nothing will end


If you don’t have fear


To keep on living


I will sing for you


You will hear me in the air


Entering your eyes


Alone in the soul


I will sing for you


Sing for you


Remember my name


I love you so much


I will not see with you


That sunrise of light




Where is it now


Dedicated to all those who are suffering for the loss of a loved one, they are still with us!


A warm goodbye


Hope A Contribution of Hope I Love you So Much was the testimonial of Patrizia


Hope A Contribution of Hope I Love you Much Experiences


Hope A Contribution of Hope


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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