Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Coincidences And Guardian Angel

Coincidences And Guardian Angel To Give Love Unconditionally


Coincidences And Guardian Angel : hello Sara Luce, my name is Cristina, I have been following your website for a while, but this is the first time that I share my testimonial with you; my sweet Angel’s name is Celeste, and a couple of weeks ago he gave me a beautiful gift, even though I only realized it yesterday.


As I mentioned, since a couple of weeks ago I work for a call center. When I arrived there for the first time I found a little piece of paper, all crumpled up, next to the entrance of my workstation, I instinctively picked it up and on it there were the letters “A.D.I”. I was taken aback from this word, so the following day I decided to look up on the internet what it meant. There are various meanings for the letters ADI, it either could refer to the evangelical church or to the association of Italian teachers, however none of these meanings seemed to speak to me. So I decided to let it go.


A couple of days ago I lit some incense (I lit up two, one to the right and one to the left, just to give you an idea, they formed a triangle) and strangely I saw in the ashes that dropped from the incense stick formed the letters DAI, and obviously I asked myself what it meant.


The following day, meaning yesterday, I looked at my calendar and yesterday’s patron Saint was Saint Ida. I immediately thought of ADI because these letters could form the word IDA, as well as DAI. So I resumed looking into what these letters could mean, I was so emotional …. I decided not to look in the internet but to only focus on those letters. What came to my mind, as an intuition, was the phrase “To Give Love Unconditionally” (in Italian D.A.I. to give (Dare) love (Amore) unconditionally (Incondizionato)). My sweet Celeste told me to LOVE, to love with all my Soul … thank you endlessly for these emotions and for all those people I meet in my life.


A kiss and a huge hug,


Coincidences And Guardian Angel To Give Love Unconditionally was the testimonial of Cristina


Coincidences And Guardian Angel To Give Love Unconditionally


Coincidences And Guardian Angel


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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