Le Parole degli Angeli
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Signs From My Beloved Angel

Signs From My Beloved Angel I Love You Forever


Signs From My Beloved Angel : hello Sara, it’s been a while since I wrote to you, sorry to bother you, I just wanted to tell you what happened to me a few days ago, a representative for corporate marketing gifts showed up in the office where I work, among the various articles he showed up there were also key rings in the shape of hearts with inscriptions, the representative gave me one as a gift, with a simple writing in grey letters; as I was returning home that day I was thinking of my little Angel, I wanted him to know just how much I cared about him and I also wanted to feel his affection, I remembered the little hearts and I thought that I could perhaps buy a little red one, to buy and to keep and to dedicate to him.


The following morning on my desk I found two key rings in the shape of hearts, the representative forgot them there, one was red with an inscription “I love you” and the other, green, read “forever”…. It was wonderful because I immediately thought of my little Angel …. he wanted me to know that he loved me …..


Thank you for possibly having the time to reply to this …. I liked the idea to share with you these signs from my love Angel!!!


A great big kiss


Signs From My Beloved Angel I Love You Forever was the testimonial of Tiziana


Signs From My Beloved Angel


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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