Le Parole degli Angeli
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Help From My Guardian Angel A Sweetest Voice

Help From My Guardian Angel A Sweetest Voice Experiences


Help From My Guardian Angel A Sweetest Voice : dear Sara Luce I would like to tell you a testimonial about the help from my Guardian Angel at a time of danger, I had not been feeling well for a few days, and the other morning, following a sleepless night, I talked to my Angel, please, give me some joy, touch the center of my heart and let me feel your Love, a sweetest voice told me “It’s falling”, what is falling, what????


I stopped thinking about it until the other evening.


We were all seated around in the living room, watching television, when a 70x100 cm frame made of glass that I had made with all pictures of me with my sisters came off the wall and instead of falling on top of us, it swiveled strangely and wedged itself into the only possible crevice, a few centimeters between the wall and the sofa, as if it had been accompanied there, without even breaking the glass.


We looked at each other and I said …. my Angel saved us, then I remembered that voice …. and everything made sense.


I hope this testimonial will help someone understand that we are never alone, even if we do not perceive manifestation so visible, the Guardian Angel really does take care of us, always protecting us.


Ps – give thanks for all the help that you receive


Help From My Guardian Angel A Sweetest Voice è la testimonianza di Marianna


Help From My Guardian Angel A Sweetest Voice Experiences


Help From My Guardian Angel A Sweetest Voice


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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