Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


The Voice Of The Angels The Name Of My Angel

The Voice Of The Angels The Name Of My Guardian Angel


The Voice Of The Angels The Name Of My Angel : hello Sara Luce, my name is Stefania, this evening I will tell you my testimonial, about how my dear Angel whispered his name to me.


I was about to go to bed for the night. I read that in order to ask your own Guardian Angel for his name, it was preferable to ask and then sleep on it, and so I did.


I asked: My dear Angel, can you tell me what is your name?


And then I fell asleep


Suddenly, while I was asleep, I felt like a face was right next to mine, it was a strong sensation, and right after that a male voice, very sweet and with a low tone, told me: Giuseppe.


I immediately opened my eyes but I was not scared, the sensation I had was one of serenity and I smiled instinctively. I thanked him and I immediately fell asleep again.


I hope this is his name, and that this is not the product of my imagination. I tried to ask him again but I did not receive an answer yet.


Thank you,


The Voice Of The Angels The Name Of My Guardian Angel was the testimonial of Stefania


The Voice Of The Angels The Name Of My Angel


The Voice Of The Angels


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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