Le Parole degli Angeli
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The Love Of God And The Love Of Guardian

The Love Of God And The Love Of Guardian Angels Experiences


The Love Of God And The Love Of Guardian : dear Sara, I have so many testimonials about the Love of God for me, He manifested himself to me in so many ways, some ordinary, some extraordinary; I would like to mention something about Guardian Angels, when my daughter was 4 months old, one night I put her in the middle of our big bed, next to her dad, while I was doing some chores in the same room, while I was also keeping an eye on her.


After a while my husband fell sound asleep, and suddenly my daughter started rolling over on the bed. She had never been able to do that before, I did not know she was even capable of it. She started rolling over quite quickly and I was still a few meters away from her.


I plunged forward to try to catch her and prevent her from falling off the bed, but I was not able to reach her, she rolled to the edge of the bed and, due to her position, the law of physics would dictate that she should have fallen head first  … however, inexplicably, her body did a somersault in the air, like a cat that is falling … something impossible for a child of 4 months, not even for an acrobat!


She fell on the floor on her little bum (which was padded by the diaper), and nothing at all happened to her.


I have always thought that it was my Guardian Angel who saved her, making her body move the way it did mid-air.


The Love Of God And The Love Of Guardian Angels Experiences was told by Mirella




The Love Of God And The Love Of Guardian Angels Experiences


The Love Of God And The Love Of Guardian


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the angels


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