Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Images of Angels praying

Images of Angels praying I saw one night


Images of Angels praying : hello Sara, I would like to tell you about something that happened to me when I was little; I was 7 or 8 years old, I was sleeping with my sister, a little bit of light came into our bedroom from the hallway, and suddenly, I believe it was getting light from the morning hours, I opened my eyes and on the edge of the bed, right by our feet, there was an Angel praying, he was upside down, his hair was curly, I immediately closed my eyes and opened them again, the Angel was gone; this is what I remember from that night.


I will tell you another episode; when my kitten passed away I suffered terribly, I needed to receive some sign that he was still with me, I did not have to wait long, for the first few days there were many feathers in our house, if I went to the bathroom I would find a few, the same happened in the bedroom, also outside in our garden, even though outside could be normal due to the many pigeons there; then one day I was working on my car, I was buried deep in the car engine, when suddenly I got up and I felt like turning my head to my right, and in that precise moment, about a meter away from me, I saw a white feather gently dropping in front of me, but there were no birds flying anywhere, it was beautiful!


Images of Angels praying I saw one night are the words from Claudio


Images of Angels praying I saw one night


Images of Angels praying


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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