Proofs of life after death signs
Proofs of life after death signs
Proofs of life after death : hello Sara Luce, almost every day your site has been of great help to me to face the separation from my beloved dad, and I understand that death will never break that existing thread between people, called Love; I learned to feel with my heart, also thanks to God, also a friend of mine, who I am very close to, and who has been very close to me in this painful moment of my life.
I received many, numerous signs from my adored dad: hearts, objects dropping, voices in my home, dreams, however, every time I feel like they are never enough, it’s as if I always want a confirmation that he will always be with me, that he will never abandon me.
About a week ago, while reading a testimonial of a friend on your site who was saying how many hearts she kept finding everywhere, I thought about him, and I told him: “It’s been a while since you got in touch with me, I too would love to find a little heart, maybe a tiny little one, just to know that you have not gone away”.
This thought accompanied me every day, I was so careful to notice every tiny little detail, but with no result. I was a little sad for this, but I kept repeating to myself that, sooner or later, he was going to let me find one.
One evening, I was visiting Gio, he was talking about a trip that he is about to go on, and as I saw her so very happy I felt truly so much joy for her in my heart, finally, after so much suffering, I saw her serene, and this really cheered me up. Once I got back home, seated on my sofa after dinner, I opened my facebook page. Among the many things, I noticed that a friend of mine had posted a video with some fireworks. I only saw a few screenshots of it, I stopped it, and I shared with, adding a comment: “Tonight my heart felt just like this”, alluding to my joy at seeing Gio so happy.
After a little while, I reactivated the video, and after a few seconds, those fireworks, which we all know so well, actually turned into a waterfall of hearts, explosions of hearts, shining, resplendent, dissolving into the background of a full moon night, and in the end, as I watched the last heart transform into a gigantic B (the initial of my dad) I had tears in my eyes.
My heart was exploding! Thank you dad, you are wonderful.
So long Sara Luce. Thank you for existing,
Proofs of life after death signs was told by Beatrice
Proofs of life after death signs
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