Le Parole degli Angeli
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The reality of the Sky experiences

The reality of the Sky experiences opening up and discovering


The reality of the Sky experiences : hello, I am a mother of two splendid children, five and three, I have a job, a husband who works, a wonderful house and another one that is rented; I do not miss anything, but I feel as if something inside me is missing.


A few years ago, a coworker sent me some very interesting e-books, on the topic of why we exist, what is our purpose here … etc. and exactly a few months before the death of my father, I started to read a lot, and to ‘open up’ to certain messages of Love and of Peace, and I was not even sure what I was doing and why … I asked my colleague the reason for what I did, and she told me … Agata you are about to go through some tough times, but you will pull through … and from that moment on I felt different, I see everything with a different set of eyes, with eyes that are less judging, without envy and selfishness … I live as if I was on another ‘level’.


A few months ago my father passed away … I could not believe it … it was lightning fast … in my heart, next to the DESPERATION, I had the certainty that I could pull through this, the belief that I was never alone and that something inside me was happening. I always had some strange coincidences happen to me … in March we bought a second house … I felt I had to do it, and a few days earlier, before the final purchase day, I dreamt of my father sleeping next to me … one of the last coincidences was a few days ago … my mother took it really badly, she went to the hospital, she had to undergo some important invasive tests, they suspected something wrong with her heart … my mother took off the necklace that my father had given to her as a  gift, so I took it and also took another necklace (it belonged to my late grandmother) I would hold these necklaces very tight in my hand … I was praying from the bottom of my heart that everything would go well … and suddenly a very strong scent of tobacco ... the same I would smell whenever I was with my father … and I knew that my mother had gone into the operating room to begin the tests … the diagnosis was NEGATIVE … everything turned out for the best … the doctor approached me and said “Are you the daughter? I am happy to tell you that sometimes we do give out good news ... your mother is clear!!!!”


I cried so much … they were tears of relief, it was as if someone was next to me … at least this is how it felt to me ….


Thank you from my heart


The reality of the Sky experiences opening up and discovering was told by our Agata




The reality of the Sky experiences opening up and discovering


The reality of the Sky


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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