Le Parole degli Angeli
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Presences of Guardian Angels next to children

Presences of Guardian Angels next to children testimonies


Presences of Guardian Angels next to children : dear Sara, I was reading very carefully the testimonials on your website that speak of the presence of Guardian Angels next to children; one of those testimonials, a very touching one, brought me to tears.


You know, when I was little I also would have conversations with a pretty lady, dressed in white … I never forgot her, even my parents, who at the beginning were worried for me, then later understood that I had an Angel next to me … you see, my maternal grandmother was a medium and she dreamed of this lady (my Angel) telling her that she is close to me and that they needed to understand that what I was going through then was in preparation for the time when I would become an adult woman.


And so it was.


I also met an Angel, touched him lightly, but this is another story.


Thank you Sara, you are a darling


Presences of Guardian Angels next to children testimonies was told by Anna




Presences of Guardian Angels next to children testimonies


Presences of Guardian Angels next to children


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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