Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Dreaming of those who are no longer here

Dreaming of those who are no longer here presences from the Sky


Dreaming of those who are no longer here : hello Sara Luce, it’s wonderful how our loved ones make their presence felt to us; my brother Francesco passed away when he was 46 years old, after a year of suffering due to a tumor to the stomach; as his sister, I wanted to help him convert and turn to our Celestial Mother, to give him strength, courage and love to endure his final times in suffering with the forgiveness of God.


He was a believer but did not practice, he listened to my advice to get closer to God and to believe that our earthly path ends but that’s when our real lives start after our death.


When he left us, the pain was immense, for me, for our whole family; I can tell that the help I gave to my brother was that of praying for him every day.


One night he showed up in my dream, dressed in white, handsome, luminous, of a light that surrounded his entire shape, and he told me that he was in the light with God, and he thanked me for having saved him.


I often felt his presence with his special scent, gentle puffs of air, or kisses on the forehead; his presence is always a joy!


A year ago he came to announce to me the birth of my little niece, now he is a grandfather in the light.


Kisses to you Sara Luce


Dreaming of those who are no longer here presences from the Sky was told by Aurora




Dreaming of those who are no longer here presences from the Sky


Dreaming of those who are no longer here


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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