Le Parole degli Angeli
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Protection signs and coincidences

Protection signs and coincidences sent from the Sky


Protection signs and coincidences : hello Sara, I want to tell you about something that happened a while ago, on 18th of October, the day that celebrates Saint Luca; I was in my car, in the parking lot of a commercial center where I work, it was my lunch break; I had my agenda in my hand, I wanted to write something down, and while I was concentrating on the day’s date, I said out loud “today is Saint Luca”, thinking of my Angel who is in the Sky, and whose name was exactly that, he was someone I loved very much, and who continues to send me signs every now and then, let’s call them coincidences, the surprising thing is that after a few minutes a young man approached me, and as we exchanged a few words, he said “hello, my name is Luca”.


The lunch break was over, I had to return to work, the young man said goodbye and left, but I felt something strange inside, as if there was something strange, something too unusual to just be a coincidence.


The following day I was returning home from work, I was very sad, I wanted to cry, I was driving distractedly, it was dark, suddenly a car was right in front of me driving very fast, I don’t even know how I managed to avoid the impact, all I know is that in that precise moment there was a song playing on air “An Angel laying in the sun” and from that moment on I always have that song in my head!!!


Sara, every time I remember the episode of the young man, it fills my heart with joy!!! I don’t know what I am feeling, and I don’t know why, but it’s an extraordinary thing!


Goodbye Sara!


Protection signs and coincidences sent from the Sky was the testimonial from Lucia




Protection signs and coincidences sent from the Sky


Protection signs and coincidences


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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