Le Parole degli Angeli
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St Jude Taddeo the Saint of desperate cases

St Jude Taddeo the Saint of desperate cases experiences


St Jude Taddeo the Saint of desperate cases : dear Sara, nothing happens by coincidence, one afternoon, a few days ago, I was feeling more depressed than usual, I did not feel like doing anything, and so I was in bed, the TV was tuned on to a television series (Cold Cases) that I like to watch, but that I had not been watching too much lately since it airs at 17,00 and usually at that time I am busy doing other things, I am most certainly not usually in bed.


I will skip the plot … at some point, the father of one of the two policewomen who were the main characters (they do not get along) went to the police station, worried for his daughter, and when she asked him curtly “What are you doing here?”, he gave her a little medal, and told her: take it, it’s Saint Jude, the protector of lost cases and … suddenly, a fantastic new world opened up to me!


Saint Jude Taddeo, the little church behind my home when I was a little girl, until the time my family moved …


My mother once answered my question “Why did they dedicate a church to Saint Jude, if he betrayed Jesus?” to which she answered “But this is Saint Jude Taddeo!”


So many memories … the first Easter Mass (the real one, that begins in the evening and lasts many hours, with the Easter church candle ..)


And so, when the episode ended, I opened my PC and – sixty years later – I started reading ….


In addition to Wikipedia, there is an actual website dedicated to him, sangiudataddeo.net and that’s where I discovered everything.


This Saint, the Saint of impossibile cases, the Saint of desperate cases, the patron of policemen, who, without me knowing about it, had been close to me during those terrible years, so sad and painful ….


On the site there is also a picture of the little church and … the map of it, so I could trace back the street of my house where I spent my childhood and teen years ….


Suddenly my sadness lifted, I started getting into motion again, the little nuns kindly sent me a little medal of the Saint.


I am sending you two of them, I would like to share with you this rare moment of tenderness and joy.


I am sending you a hug, I love you


St Jude Taddeo the Saint of desperate cases is a testimonial from Laura




St Jude Taddeo the Saint of desperate cases


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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