Le Parole degli Angeli
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How Guardian Angels manifest

How Guardian Angels manifest experiences


How Guardian Angels manifest : dear Sara Luce, my name is Alessia, I’m a 24 year old girl; I am going through a bad period, often I believe I don’t have the strength to carry on, that it would be better to end it; I could really do with a hug, some comfort, a gesture of affection, which unfortunately I miss, because I do not have the fortune to have a family to support me, and with the sensibility to pick up on my distress.


The only thought that gives me hope is just the idea that in this world, we can not be alone. For this reason, every day, and for the entire day, the conviction that next to me are my Guardian Angels reassures me.


Even if I have never had any direct experiences of it, I have always had faith in having a contact with my Angels.


Today was a day full of anguish, while I was crying, I was praying really hard for my Angels to give me a sign of their presence.


During the day, while I was washing the dishes, something wonderful happened to me. I had just squirted some dish washing liquid in the little basinet, which I had not yet filled with water. Here came the first sign: as a drop of liquid soap fell, it drew a perfect heart shape. I was ecstatic, I could not contain the tears.


By five pm, it was time for my sacred coffee ritual. I looked at the bottom of my cup: second perfect heart within a few hours. I was looking around, I was extremely moved and very thankful, I was picturing myself being surrounded by Angels.


Later in the afternoon, there was an interchange of moments of joy, remembering what had just happened to me just a few hours prior, with moments of profound desperation.    


I started to walk around the house to get rid my negative thoughts. At some point, on the floor there was a little white feather. I picked it up in surprise, with the idea of saving it in a safe place, but when I tried to pick it up and put it inside my little box, it remained stuck to my hand, as if it did not want to leave me.


Now I don’t know if all this is the product of my imagination, or if something extraordinary is really happening to me. But this is of little importance. The important thing is that these little events, apparently meaningless, have infused in me a sense of well being that I had been seeking for a long time.


I am happy about all this, but my biggest desire is that of having a more intense contact with my Angels who are near me. I will wait patiently endlessly for this to happen.


Thank you Sara for all that you have published in your wonderful website.


It’s the perfect antidote for sweeter dreams …


How Guardian Angels Manifest was shared with us by Alessia


How Guardian Angels Manifest true stories


How Guardian Angels Manifest


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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