Le Parole degli Angeli
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Beyond terrestrial life

Beyond terrestrial life experiences


Beyond terrestrial life : beyond life on earth, our loved ones see the suffering that they left behind in our heart after their death; sometimes the pain is so intense to make it extremely difficult to continue living your own life, and so, in the love, and in the sadness for our suffering, the Sky intervenes; from the other side it comes, to support to our heart, for the time necessary to overcome our mourning, without being oppressed by it; let’s listen today to Eugenia’s precious experiences.


When my companion passed away, for me it was as if I had always had him near me, especially at night, the most difficult time, I dreamt of him, but they were not normal dreams like the one I normally have, it was as if we were really still together, it’s something I can not even explain, I would wake up in the morning ecstatic, I felt as if I had spent some time together with my Max; this went on for about 3 months, the first three month, then it seemed as if he distanced himself from me, every evening I would pray that I could see him again, but nothing, I still hope for it today ….


By the way, one time, at 5 in the morning, I had a wonderful vision: Max was walking, and coming towards me. He was dressed elegantly, was smiling and he was all surrounded by a feeble and yet at the same time brilliant light. It was just for a moment, but I was able to see all this, then I allowed myself to get scared and everything disappeared. I was not prepared for that event, I had concentrated many times on it, for it to reappear, but nothing.


Beyond terrestrial life experiences is Eugenia’s testimonial




Beyond terrestrial life experiences


Beyond terrestrial life


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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