Le Parole degli Angeli
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Angelic energy pulsating with Love

Angelic energy pulsating with Love experiences


Angelic energy pulsating with Love : imagine a Guardian Angel in love, listening to the heart of the person he loves, that heart is praying in discomfort, and in worry, and the Love of the Angel becomes more and more intense in the desire to give support in return, comfort, presence, and the beat of his own heart to the suffering heart; and now let’s listen to what Ramona experienced, from her own perspective.


Hello Sara, I have already written to your various times to tell you of how my Guardian Angel manifested himself to me in my life through little coincidences, and signs of his presence. Today, however, I would like to talk to you about one thing that happened to me.


A few evenings ago I went to bed with my husband, and my 1 year old daughter, I had just closed my eyes and started a prayer with my heart full of worries, when suddenly I opened my eyes again and I saw something incredible: a green/yellow light was fluctuating in the room, with undulating movements (the closest I can come to describing it is the aurora borealis lights); while I was watching this light, and praying, I was not surprised in any way, as if I was not even realizing what was happening in front of me; then, suddenly, I did ask myself what it was, and I became almost afraid; the light then focalized into one corner of the room, and it looked like it was pulsating, then, ever so slowly it disappeared, leaving the room in the dark ….


I tried time and again to open my eyes and close them again to see if it was going to happen again, but nothing, even today, I would suddenly open my eyes, in the middle of the night, but it has not happened again.


I ask you, can you tell me what I saw, if someone else also has had the same experience as me, because I think about this every day, and I would really like to know.


I thank you for the attention, and I send you a hug


Angelic energy pulsating with Love is the testimonial from Ramona




Angelic energy pulsating with Love


Angelic energy


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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