Le Parole degli Angeli
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Archangel Raphael and the angelic world

Archangel Raphael and the angelic world experiences


Archangel Raphael and the angelic world : dear Sara Luce, I would like to share with you a very special archangelic experience I had in 2013 in Florence; on the 10th April of that year, I was walking along the Arno and the city streets, and I was thinking of Archangel Raphael, for at that particular time of my life, he was the Archangel that I most felt the need to invoke, and feel his closeness; you must know that in many Churches in Florence there are more than a few paintings of Archangel Raphael or Archangel Michael.


Until that day, I had actually never seen a painting of the Archangel Raphael, and yet I was hoping to see one with all my heart, as a sign of his presence. It’s very true that every desire we reveal, or express, is a demand, let me explain why.


That day, during my walk, I felt the urge to walk, subconsciously, almost as if guided, into the Church of Saint John of the Scolopi, with just a desire to pray there. You can not believe the emotion I felt when, to my right, I saw a very large painting of all three Archangels, Michael, Gabriel, and the elusive Raphael.


And yet the most surprising thing also has to do with the fact that exactly a month later, on the tenth of May, in the very same Church, I had found a little leaflet of the Guardian Angel with its prayer, written by the beatified Giacomo Alberione.


These two signs represent one of the many manifestations that I receive from the Angelic world, which communicates its constant proximity to me.


Lastly, I will also tell you about another noteworthy ‘angelic’ experience


Last year, after having had some blood tests done, the values for my thyroid were off the normal ranges. My doctor suspected a dormant hypothyroidism. However, I felt that was not the case.


I immediately surrendered to my Guardian Angel, and to Archangel Raphael.


On several occasions I had my blood tested again, and each time the values confirmed a beginning stage of progressive hypothyroidism. Despite the medical opinion of the three doctors, who all agreed to have me undergo an alternative medication treatment, a clear internal perception told me not to do anything.


I decided to follow my gut feeling, opting instead to undergo one more endocrinology test, which marked the positive turn of this experience. In the waiting room of the endocrinology practice, my attention was caught by the sight of two Angels.


From that moment, I felt that everything was going to be all right. In fact, upon request from a different specialist, I had my blood tests done once again, as well as more specific tests, including an ultrasound of the thyroid, and everything turned out for the better; the thyroid values went ‘miraculously’ back to normal, even with the special signature of the Angels, with my great shock. Do you know why? The tests were signed by the lab analyst, whose last name was, incredibly, “FeliciAngeli”!


A simple coincidence, dear Sara Luce? I would say it’s a real and tangible ANGELIC TOUCH!!!


Since then, I took several more times my blood tests, and “someone” confirms that my intuition is always inspired by angelic energy, because the thyroid values have been back into the normal values for a while now.


I hope that this story may inspire many people to believe in the presence of “celestial” friends, always ready to listen to us and intervene in our favor. YOU JUST NEED TO ASK! SOMETHING ALWAYS HAPPENS!!!


A hug


Archangel Raphael and the angelic world experiences is Celeste’s testimonial




Archangel Raphael and the angelic world experiences


Archangel Raphael and the angelic world


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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