Le Parole degli Angeli
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Lucid dreams experiences

Lucid dreams experiences dreaming of seeing yourself


Lucid dreams experiences : dear Sara, first of all I would like to thank you for the nice words and advice you give me every time I ask for help; today I need to ask you for your opinion on something really strange that happened last night; I was awake, I could not sleep due to the torrential rain that was falling, I thought of my Angel, I thought that perhaps I had pushed him away and “shocked” him, due to my behavior in this period of my life; so I prayed my husband’s and my daughter’s Angels, I recited a prayer to the departed ones (which I had not done in who knows how long), I had a strange request, to live an experience outside of my body, sooner or later; and with that wish I fell asleep.


I had a lot of dreams (meaningless dreams that I won’t bore you with) but then suddenly the scene changed, I saw myself on my bed, as I was in the process of sleeping; the strange thing is that I did not see myself from high up, but from the inside, as if I was awake, but I was asleep (basically, it’s very difficult to explain); there was a lady sitting at the foot of my bed …  I was not able to make out her face, I only clearly saw the silhouette of her body … the only thing I remember was that her hair was down to her shoulders with the tips of the hair slightly turned upwards …. She was extremely sweet, she told me I did not have to think that my life was useless because I was doing good things, and she even made of list of them for me, but I swear to you, I can’t remember them ….. then I saw my arms attempting to move, but they were heavy, I wanted to speak but I couldn’t …. again in my dream I saw my husband, he woke up and was stroking my arms to calm me down …. I could therefore see that I was getting restless in my sleep, she was still sitting on my bed, my husband trying to calm me down …. I woke up and felt my husband’s hands caressing me, telling me to calm down.


I know it’s difficult to establish the line between a dream and something different, but surely you must be able to help me understand …. at the same time it seems incredible to me to have requested something so unusual, and to have been granted my wish …. and then, more incredible still, seeing my Guardian Angel, or someone, I am not sure who … Sara, what do you make of this? Out of Body experiences are only lived in a state of wake-dream, correct? I am so confused, I can’t stop thinking about it.


Thank you a bunch for your attention, I’m sending you a hug


Lucid dreams experiences dreaming of seeing yourself is Ramona’s experience




Lucid dreams experiences dreaming of seeing yourself


Lucid dreams experiences


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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