Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Presences from the other side

Presences from the other side a little feather soft and wispy


Presences from the other side : at the end of April my father passed away, at the age of 62, due to a serious illness; since he left me, my days have been very hard, yesterday, however, I witnessed a nice coincidence; I was in hospital, I was waiting for my mother to come out from her check-up visit; I was killing time by taking a little stroll outside; once I reached the little road that leads to the medical clinics, I wondered “Who knows how many times my dad went up and down this very path, and now, I am all alone, and I miss him so much“; I saw a father and a daughter walk next to me, and as I was reflecting and becoming melancholic due to my circumstances, because other people could enjoy their fathers while I could not, I saw this tiny little white feather descend right in front of me, coming towards me, I put my hand out and I grabbed it, it was small, soft and wispy.


I wonder if it was my father who sent it to me, to let me know he was indeed near me …


Presences from the other side a little feather soft and wispy are the words from Nunzia




Presences from the other side a little feather soft and wispy


Presences from the other side


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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